Our Mission

At Patriot Basics, we are proud to be a family-owned and operated business committed to supplying high-quality goods for patriots who share our values. We staunchly support grassroots politics, believing in the power of local communities to shape the future. Our mission goes beyond commerce; we actively work towards the betterment of our society by defunding companies that oppose the principles we hold dear. Through unwavering dedication to family, quality, patriotism, and grassroots activism, we strive to create a positive impact and foster a community of like-minded individuals who stand united for shared values.

Our Journey

In 2020, like countless others, we found ourselves disheartened by the lack of accountability in our government and the deepening divisions within our nation. Instead of merely lamenting from the sidelines, we made a choice to roll up our sleeves and take action. We embarked on a journey to immerse ourselves in political events, meetings, and grassroots organizations, determined to make a meaningful difference.

Over the span of a year, our involvement grew exponentially, culminating in a decision to run for the seemingly modest position of Precinct Committeeman (PC). While some may regard this role as insignificant, we see it as an opportunity to serve as conduits between our community and the political process—a privilege we hold dear.

Yet, our journey quickly revealed that the fractures within our party extended far beyond the national stage; they permeated our local politics as well. Recognizing the urgent need for change, we committed ourselves to action. Through tireless effort, we organized trainings, facilitated candidate introductions, convened city council gatherings, and engaged in dialogues with leaders at both the party and state levels.

In 2023, we joined forces with members of the opposing party in our city to challenge a detrimental development project. Together, we rallied our community and successfully thwarted a proposal that threatened to burden us with increased taxes, congestion, and unchecked growth.

Today, in 2024, we find ourselves in the midst of a new chapter in our journey as Precinct Committeemen. We face formidable opposition from entrenched politicians with vast networks of loyal donors. However, our commitment remains unwavering. We are steadfast in our mission to champion American-made goods, while dedicating our time, resources, and now, financial support to the local causes we hold dear.

Over the past three years, we have witnessed a palpable shift within our party, one that increasingly aligns with the values and aspirations of everyday citizens. Encouraged by this momentum, we remain hopeful that our efforts will contribute to the preservation of the country we deeply cherish.

It is with immense pride and humility that we serve as catalysts for change, nurturing the well-being of our community and fueling the flames of patriotism that course through the heart of America.

Making an Impact – Why shop at Patriot Basics?

1. Solidarity Beyond Words: Patriots Supporting Patriots in Making America Great Again

At Patriot Basics, we take pride in being a patriot family-owned company dedicated to providing essential products that resonate with the values of our patriot community. When you shop with us, you’re not just making a purchase – you’re joining our extended patriot family. Every item you buy contributes to the growth and sustainability of a business deeply rooted in shared principles. Supporting Patriot Basics is more than a transaction; it’s a choice to stand with a family that conservative American values patriotism, quality, and community. Your business directly supports our journey, allowing us to continue serving the patriot community with dedication and passion. Join us in building a stronger, more connected patriot family through the essentials that bind us together.

2. Championing Truth: Standing Firm in Support of Unbiased Journalism and Truth Tellers

At Patriot Basics, we believe in the power of unbiased journalism to inform and empower our patriot community. We proudly support unbiased journalism by sponsoring reputable news outlets dedicated to delivering accurate and fair reporting. When you shop with Patriot Basics, you become a crucial part of this effort. Your purchases contribute directly to our sponsorship initiatives, allowing us to stand alongside unbiased journalists who tirelessly seek the truth. Together, we foster an environment where quality journalism can thrive, promoting transparency and accountability. By choosing Patriot Basics, you are not only investing in essential products but also playing a vital role in sustaining unbiased journalism and ensuring a well-informed patriot community.

3. Influence the Change: Every Purchase Directly Contributes to AZ Conservative Grassroots Politics

When you choose to shop with Patriot Basics, you’re not just purchasing quality products – you’re actively participating in the support of Arizona Conservative Grassroots Politics. As active Precinct Committeemen (PCs), we understand the importance of community involvement and political engagement. A portion of our profits goes directly towards donations to our local Legislative Districts (LD), county and state boards, as well as candidates who align with our shared conservative values. Your patronage directly fuels the efforts to promote conservative principles at the grassroots level, contributing to the success of like-minded candidates who prioritize the values we hold dear. Together, we build a stronger, more influential conservative community, advocating for the principles that define us. Shop with Patriot Basics and be a part of actively shaping the political landscape in Arizona.

How You Can Help

1. Engage in Grassroots Politics:

At the heart of change lies the power of the people. Get involved in grassroots politics by attending local meetings, participating in community events, and supporting candidates who align with your values. Your voice matters, and together, we can shape the future of our communities and nation.

2. Stay Informed and Educate Others:

Knowledge is power. Stay informed about current events, policies, and issues that impact our society. Share your insights with friends, family, and colleagues to foster a community that is well-informed and engaged. Education is a catalyst for change, and by enlightening others, you contribute to a more aware and conscious society.

3. Empower Truth Tellers:

In an era inundated with information, supporting truth tellers is paramount. Back independent journalists, and media outlets committed to unbiased reporting. Share reliable information, engage in informed discussions, and be a beacon for truth in your community. Your commitment to the truth strengthens the foundations of a well-informed society. Every purchase at Patriot Basics directly supports the content producers we advertise with and you rely on every day.

4. Advocate for Constitutional Values:

Stand up for the principles enshrined in the Constitution. Advocate for the protection of individual liberties, the rule of law, and the democratic ideals that define our nation. Engage in discussions that promote understanding and respect for others while upholding the fundamental values that make America great.

Your involvement is crucial in shaping the future we envision. Together, let’s work towards a society rooted in justice, truth, and the enduring values that define the American spirit.

5. Support the American Patriot Parallel Economy:

Uphold conservative values by supporting businesses that align with the principles of the American Patriot Parallel Economy. Seek out local enterprises that prioritize conservative American values, free and fair elections, limited government, parental rights, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, truth to power, and a government for the people by the people . Your support for businesses sharing our values contributes to the strength and resilience of our great nation.